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Who are they?

The Bribri are an indigenous people of Costa Rica and are also known as the 'hidden people' of Costa Rica. They are in Talamanca, Costa Rica and were pretty isolated  from our world of technology and don't have much commotion other than the motor of their boats that transported people, food and supplies to their villages. They are the largest indigenous peoples of Costa Rica, the people are also have a very rich culture and tradition . They are self sufficient through their agriculture and. Because they are very isolated they have limited access to education and health care 


Outward bound Costa Rica Website 

Why Aren’t Costa Rica’s Indigenous Students Graduating?

By: Rebecca Gibian and Diana Crandall 


The Bribri are very isolated thus they have limited access to education especially after high school . These days though the cell phone has caught up to them and instead of learning teenagers are instead on phones. But that is not the main cause there a number of factors such as high rates poverty, isolation, and the culture of the Bribri. But this is just from articles I have read. What I had experienced in the village i was in were children who were eager and ready to learn and just lacking the materials to do so. The children love the outdoors and were willing and open to give with the little they had. All of these factors had motivated me to start the project.


Other than going to school and chores the times while I was there i observed that they absolutely loved playing soccer it was a passion it was also something that brought the whole community together. I always saw the young adults come around the afternoon and play an interesting match that the children would join on . These kids were very good at soccer and it just further showed me how isolated and lacking opportunity to go out and expand their horizons and also potential. I know they have this potential because of factors i had observed while i was there. The language they speak is also called Bribri but all of them also know Spanish and are therefore bilingual, with their limited resources they make adjustments to be able to efficiently so what they need to even while living in huts they still have some electricity. They also do the most with their limited technology by saving most of it for the school so the kids can have a better learning environment.

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